Karissa Lindros Obituary: We are heartbroken to announce the loss of a beloved sister in the Lindros family, the talented and valued vendors behind Garden to Table Treasures. This profound loss has deeply affected their family and all who know them.
The Lindros family has always been a beacon of warmth and dedication in our community, and now it is our turn to stand with them in their time of need. In remembrance of their sister and in support of the family, we are collecting donations at the market on Saturday, December 7th, from 12 PM to 7 PM.
Your kindness and contributions will help provide comfort and stability as they navigate this time of grief. Together, let us show our appreciation for all they have given to our community and offer them the care and support they so greatly deserve. May their sister’s memory be a source of strength and her spirit a reminder of the love that surrounds the Lindros family.